
Located in Rockville, Maryland, we founded accounting firm in 1986 and has begun to provide accounting and tax services for business owners and individual taxpayers to residents of the Montgomery County, MD, and expanded our client basis to the greater Washington area covering statewide Maryland, Washington, DC and Virginia.

Before turning to new century, we’ve found ourselves in handling the tax issues of many states nationally, as our clients purchase second home in Florida or South Carolina or move to California, New York, Mississippi or Hawaii temporarily or permanently. In recent years, as our clients are becoming mobile in the globalization period, we are getting accustomed to handle international issues for clients working overseas in United Kingdom, Singapore, Italy or South Korea and we are comfortable each other through the internet in discussing tax issues in a timely basis.

Our goal is to serve clients in personal needs with the long-term relationship. Rather than providing routine technical service with large volume, we’ve found over the years that our clients really want us to understand their changing financial situation in a short contact without needing long explanation about their finances. At the same time, we do know that what clients equally want is to keep in touch physically, so we strive to observe office hours all year for occasional or emergency visit.